covID-19 update
Condition of Entry
The following health and safety procedures are in place at our locations to ensure a safe environment. Please remember If you are feeling unwell please stay home, stay safe, and stay well!
All attendees will be required to sign-in using the Service NSW QR code upon arrival
1.5m social distancing. Please allow extra room between yourself and other attendees when sitting in auditoriums and halls.
There will be reduced seating capacity with seats remaining spaced by 1.5m – members of the same household will be able to sit together
Hand Sanitiser will be available
Refrain from any physical contact
Giving online is most preferred, offering boxes with disposable envelopes will be available
Face Masks are encouraged as per NSW Health guidelines.
View our COVID Safe Plan.
Update 8th November 2021
A place of worship can open to all members of the public. Visit for more info.
Visit NSW Health