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  • Celebrating 26 years of God's Goodness

    No one church is perfect. The church is filled with imperfect people who are trying to support, comfort, and love each other the way Jesus does. Ecclesia has been my home for almost 10 years now – it’s far from perfect but I don’t know where I will be without it and there’s no way I will ever change my decision to be part of this church. Thank you my beautiful church and HAPPY 26th Birthday. In the video below, Ps Samuel Djunaedi (Senior Pastor) shares how God moves his heart to start Ecclesia. This is how Ecclesia starts Have a read of these 2 testimonies of our friends from Ecclesia Mission Hills & Eastern as well. Testimony from Yenny Setiawati – Ecclesia Mission Eastern Gereja Ecclesia Mission Eastern adalah gereja tempat saya beribadah pertama kali di Sydney, gereja dimana saya dapat komunitas pertama saya di Sydney dan bahkan gereja dimana saya bertemu Johan, suami saya. Saya bersyukur bisa bergereja di Ecclesia Mission Eastern dimana di gereja ini, saya bisa lebih bertumbuh dalam pengenalan akan Tuhan secara pribadi dan melayani bersama-sama dengan suami saya. Melalui gereja ini juga saya menyaksikan secara pribadi bagaimana Tuhan bekerja mengubahkan hidup Johan dan bertumbuh semakin dekat dengan Tuhan. Melalui pelayanan kami di LIFE, saya pribadi belajar banyak hal. Tuhan banyak mengajarkan dan membentuk karakter saya serta menguji hati saya. Saya belajar untuk melayani dengan hati bersyukur, hati sebagai hamba serta kerendahan hati. Saya juga belajar untuk berbesar hati (big heart) menerima hal-hal dan respon-respon yang tidak sesuai dengan apa yang saya harapkan. Hal-hal yang tentunya tidak mudah bagi saya, yang sampai saat ini saya masih terus belajar dan mengandalkan Tuhan untuk membantu mengubahkan saya. Dengan kondisi tempat tinggal kami yang jauh dari gereja dan anak-anak kami masih kecil, membuat saya dan Johan punya tantangan tersendiri dalam pelayanan kami, disamping tantangan-tantangan lainnya, yang terkadang membuat kami struggle juga. Kalau dipikir secara manusia, buat apa mengorbankan banyak hal dengan segala tantangan yang ada demi pelayanan kami, Johan harus pulang tengah malam pada saat anak-anak sudah tidur dan tidak ketemu dan banyak hal-hal lainnya juga. Tapi seringkali kekuatan baru muncul ketika saya mengingat kembali campur tangan Tuhan dalam hidup saya dan Johan, bagaimana Tuhan begitu setia membawa kami dari satu kemenangan demi kemenangan atas pergumulan kami, bagaimana Tuhan tidak pernah lalai dan selalu memegang janji-Nya buat kami, bagaimana kasih setia Tuhan selalu nyata dalam hidup kami yang membuat kami terus berusaha untuk melayani dengan hati bersyukur, ditengah kelebihan dan kekurangan kami. Tuhan juga seringkali memberikan penghiburan dan kejutan-kejutan yang tidak kami sangka-sangka ketika kami sedang down. Tuhan seperti kasih sign ke kami kalau DIA melihat dan memperhitungkan apa yang kami lakukan untuk DIA sekecil apapun tidak akan kembali dengan sia-sia. Saya sangat bersyukur buat LIFE members yang sangat supportif, yang selalu kompak dan selalu menunjukkan kasih untuk saling memperhatikan dan membantu satu sama lain. Saya bersyukur karena berada di komunitas yang punya komitmen untuk bertumbuh bersama di dalam Tuhan ditengah kesibukan mereka dalam pekerjaan dan mengurus anak. Buat saya dan Johan, they are our second family that we can't thank GOD enough as all of them are a blessings to us. Words simply cannot tell how much they mean to us. Saya juga sangat bersyukur buat para pastors yang mempunyai komitmen tinggi untuk melayani. Satu hal lagi, saya melihat ada "Masa Depan" di gereja Ecclesia Mission Eastern dimana saya melihat semakin hari semakin banyak jumlah anak-anak Sunday School dan bahkan bertambah 1 kelas lagi. Di tengah segala kelebihan dan kekurangan gereja kita, saya tahu kalau Tuhan punya rencana yang indah untuk gereja kita. Saya berdoa dan berharap supaya seluruh anak-anak di Sunday School tidak menjadi anak yang terhilang, namun boleh mengalami Tuhan secara pribadi, terus bertumbuh di dalam Tuhan dan bahkan dipakai Tuhan secara luar biasa dimanapun mereka berada nantinya. Biar firman Tuhan yang mereka pelajari saat ini tidak kembali dengan sia-sia, namun boleh berbuah lebat. Kerinduan saya adalah melihat gereja kita dipakai Tuhan lebih lagi, adanya kesatuan hati diantara pelayan dalam melayani, jemaat yang ada, boleh bertumbuh dan tertanam dalam LIFE, para LIFE member boleh semakin bertumbuh di dalam Tuhan, jemaat baru bisa "feel home" ketika mereka datang ke gereja. Testimony by Wellson Sugiarto – Ecclesia Mission Hills I am very grateful to have a church that I can call as my own family. Ecclesia Mission has not only become a community that I love, but also a part of my life. Being under the umbrella of Ecclesia Mission has helped me to grow my spiritual life as well as growing up to become the man I am today. I remember when I first came to this church, I was just a young 8 year old boy who did not understand much about Christianity nor fully understand who Jesus Christ is. I attended Church at the time merely to just follow my grandma and uncle around as I did not know the purpose behind going to church. Through the help of the Sunday School teachers at the time, who made it interesting for the kids around my age to learn about God, I was able to learn more and more about the love of Christ and therefore grew my interest in hearing Jesus's miraculous stories. As I grew older into my teenage years, I was introduced to a more deeper means of Christianity which allowed me to explore more about my faith in Christ. I am forever thankful to the youth leaders who have guided me built a strong foundation for myself in Christ and to finally have a real relationship with the saviour of my life. Through this church, I was able to start my ministry to serve God and to really show my love for God in action. I learnt to serve God in any way I could. One leader taught me that it doesn't matter what ministry I wanted to do, as long as I'd do it whole heartedly with the intention to be a servant of God, God will appreciate it. Until this day, I hold this principle tight in my journey with God and I am always willing to do anything to serve God. Now looking back, to the time I first stepped foot into Australia where I felt an enormous amount of loneliness and without having the protection of my parents who had to stay in Indonesia for a little longer (due to family business at the time), I have come a long way. Furthermore, despite the fact that I was a new foreign kid to Ecclesia, the family of Ecclesia has embraced me as their own child and I am forever thankful for the sweet and memorable memories I have had with the church for the past 18 years. I am also forever thankful to the leaders of this church for giving me a home and a space to grow spiritually as well as to grow as a man of God.

  • Sabtu Sunyi

    Beberapa minggu lagi, orang-orang Kristen di seluruh dunia akan memperingati kematian Kristus di salib pada hari Jumat Agung. Kemudian kita akan merayakan kemenangan Kristus atas dosa dan kematian pada hari Minggu Paskah. Tetapi apa yang terjadi pada hari Sabtu? Yah, tidak ada yang benar-benar terjadi pada hari itu. Alkitab diam tentang apa yang terjadi di periode antara Jumat Agung dan Minggu Kebangkitan. Alkitab mungkin diam, tetapi itu tidak berarti tidak mengatakan apa-apa kepada kita. Mari kita bayangkan apa yang dialami para murid pada hari Sabtu itu. Guru, pemimpin, dan Mesias tercinta mereka baru saja disalibkan. Yesus dipermalukan dan dieksekusi di kayu salib. Dia mati seperti penjahat. Para murid ketakutan. Mereka takut. Mereka tidak tahu harus berbuat apa. Mereka tersesat. Mereka tidak punya harapan. Apa yang telah menjadi perjalanan sekali seumur hidup dan dipenuhi keajaiban dengan Yesus selama 3 tahun terakhir, ternyata tidak lebih dari kekecewaan. Saya membayangkan, pada hari Sabtu itu mereka menundukkan kepala, memikirkan apa yang baru saja terjadi. Sedih, takut, kecewa, kesepian, bingung, dan putus asa. Itulah yang mereka rasakan pada hari Sabtu. Tetapi pada hari Minggu, segalanya berubah. Pada hari Minggu, mereka melihat mukjizat terbesar yang telah dilakukan Allah - tidak ada yang sebanding dengan semua mukjizat yang telah dilakukan Yesus sebelumnya. Setelah hari Minggu, harapan mereka diperbaharui - Juruselamat mereka ternyata hidup! Setelah hari Minggu, hubungan yang rusak dipulihkan - Yesus mengembalikan Petrus kepada diri-Nya. Setelah hari Minggu, agama Kristen tidak pernah sama lagi. Orang-orang percaya. Orang-orang pergi ke kota-kota menceritakan kisah kabar baik tentang kebangkitan Yesus. Orang-orang rela mati menceritakan kisah ini. Pada hari Minggu, para murid tidak sedih, mereka gembira. Mereka tidak lagi kecewa, sebaliknya, mereka berharap. Mereka tidak lagi takut, sebaliknya mereka cukup berani untuk mati demi Injil. Mereka tidak lagi kesepian, karena mereka tahu Juruselamat mereka hidup dan akan selalu bersama mereka. Kebangkitan Minggu berubah Diam hari Sabtu. Anda mungkin berada di Silent Saturday sekarang. Mungkin Anda sedih, kesepian, takut, putus asa, terluka, kecewa, bingung, atau putus asa, tapi ingatlah Kebangkitan pada hari Minggu. Apa yang Yesus lakukan 2000 tahun lalu kepada para murid masih terjadi hari ini. Kebangkitan Yesus tidak hanya memiliki signifikansi historis, tetapi juga memiliki signifikansi spiritual. Dengan melihat kebangkitan, kita dapat yakin bahwa Tuhan akan mengubah duka kita menjadi tarian. Dia akan menghilangkan kesedihan kita dan memberi kita sukacita (Mazmur 30: 11-12). Tuhan akan menyelamatkan kita (Mzm 46: 1-3) dan Dia adalah kekuatan kita (Kel 15: 2). Kita dapat yakin bahwa Tuhan selalu bersama kita (Kel. 33:14). Dia adalah harapan kita (Mzm 71: 5). Dia adalah keselamatan kita (Mzm 119: 81). Kebangkitan hari Minggu menunjukkan bahwa semua yang dijanjikan (dan banyak lagi!) Adalah benar. Silent Saturday ada di antara berkabung dan sukacita. Itu ada di antara kesedihan dan kegembiraan. Itu ada di antara keputusasaan dan harapan. Anda tahu apa artinya ini? Itu berarti ada akhir dari Silent Satuday! Silent Saturday itu hanya sementara. Silent Saturday hanya ada di antara keduanya. Itu tidak akan bertahan lama. Teman-teman, jika Anda berada di Silent Saturday, izinkan saya mendorong Anda untuk melihat Minggu Kebangkitan di mana ada banyak harapan, sukacita, dan sukacita. Dan yang paling penting, Minggu Kebangkitan berlangsung untuk selamanya. Yesus tidak bangkit untuk mati lagi. Yesus hidup, dulu, dan selamanya. Itu seharusnya memberi kita harapan, karena Yesus, sumber sukacita, harapan, dan keselamatan kita, adalah abadi. Saya berdoa semoga Paskah ini memberi Anda harapan dan sukacita, bahkan ketika Anda masih di hari Sabtu yang sunyi. Karena Anda tahu Minggu Kebangkitan telah datang dan Minggu Kebangkitan berlangsung selamanya.

  • Silent Saturday

    In a few weeks time, Christians all over the world will commemorate the death of Christ on the cross on Good Friday. Then we will celebrate Christ's victory over sin and death on Easter Sunday. But what happened on Saturday? Well, nothing really. The Bible is silent to what was going on between Good Friday and Resurrection Sunday. The Bible may be silent, but it does not mean it's not telling us anything. Let's imagine what the disciples went through on that Saturday. Their beloved teacher, leader, and messiah had just been crucified. Jesus was humiliated by being executed on the cross. He died just like a criminal. The disciples were scared. They were afraid. They didn't know what to do. They were lost. They were hopeless. What had been a once-in-a-lifetime and miracle-filled journey with Jesus for the last 3 years, turned out to be nothing more than a disappointment. I would imagine, on that Saturday they hung their head low, thinking about what just happened. Sad, afraid, disappointed, lonely, confused, and hopeless. That's what they felt on Saturday. But on Sunday, things were changing. On Sunday, they saw the biggest miracle that God has done - nothing compared to all the miracles that Jesus had done previously. After Sunday, their hopes were renewed - their Saviour turned out to be alive after all! After Sunday, broken relationships were restored - Jesus restored Peter back to Himself. After Sunday, Christianity was never the same again. People believed. People went out to towns telling the good news story of Jesus' resurrection. People were willing to die telling this story. On Sunday, the disciples were not sad, they were joyful. They were no longer disappointed, instead they were hopeful. They were no longer afraid, instead they were brave enough to die for the gospel. They were no longer lonely, because they knew their Saviour is alive and will be with them always. Resurrection Sunday changes Silent Saturday. You might be in Silent Saturday right now. Whether you are sad, lonely, afraid, discouraged, hurt, disappointed, confused, or hopeless, remember Resurrection Sunday. What Jesus did 2000 years ago to the disciples is still happening today. Jesus' resurrection does not only have historical significance, it has spiritual significance. By looking at the resurrection, we can be sure that God will turn our mourning into dancing. He will take off our sadness and clothe us with joy (Psalm 30:11-12). God will keep us safe (Ps 46:1-3) and He is our strength (Exo 15:2). We can be sure God is with us always (Exo 33:14). He is our hope (Ps 71:5). He is our salvation (Ps 119:81). Resurrection Sunday shows that all that promises (and more!) are true. Silent Saturday exists between mourning and joy. It exists between sadness and gladness. It exists between despair and hope. You know what this means? It means there is an end to Silent Saturday! Silent Saturday is only temporary. Silent Saturday only exists in between. It will not last. Friends, if you are in Silent Saturday, let me encourage you to look at Resurrection Sunday where there is abundant of hope, joy, and gladness. And most importantly, Resurrection Sunday lasts for all eternity. Jesus did not raise to be die again. Jesus is alive then, now, and forever. That should give us hope, because Jesus, our source of joy, hope, and salvation, is eternal. I pray that this Easter will give you hope and joy, even when you are still in your Silent Saturday. Because you know Resurrection Sunday has come and Resurrection Sunday lasts forever.

  • Good Friday, Resurrection Sunday. Silent Saturday?

    In a few weeks time, Christians all over the world will commemorate the death of Christ on the cross on Good Friday. Then we will celebrate Christ's victory over sin and death on Easter Sunday. But what happened on Saturday? Well, nothing really. The Bible is silent to what was going on between Good Friday and Resurrection Sunday. The Bible may be silent, but it does not mean it's not telling us anything. Let's imagine what the disciples went through on that Saturday. Their beloved teacher, leader, and messiah had just been crucified. Jesus was humiliated by being executed on the cross. He died just like a criminal. The disciples were scared. They were afraid. They didn't know what to do. They were lost. They were hopeless. What had been a once-in-a-lifetime and miracle-filled journey with Jesus for the last 3 years, turned out to be nothing more than a disappointment. I would imagine, on that Saturday they hung their head low, thinking about what just happened. Sad, afraid, disappointed, lonely, confused, and hopeless. That's what they felt on Saturday. But on Sunday, things were changing. On Sunday, they saw the biggest miracle that God has done - nothing compared to all the miracles that Jesus had done previously. After Sunday, their hopes were renewed - their Saviour turned out to be alive after all! After Sunday, broken relationships were restored - Jesus restored Peter back to Himself. After Sunday, Christianity was never the same again. People believed. People went out to towns telling the good news story of Jesus' resurrection. People were willing to die telling this story. On Sunday, the disciples were not sad, they were joyful. They were no longer disappointed, instead they were hopeful. They were no longer afraid, instead they were brave enough to die for the gospel. They were no longer lonely, because they knew their Saviour is alive and will be with them always. Resurrection Sunday changes Silent Saturday. You might be in Silent Saturday right now. Whether you are sad, lonely, afraid, discouraged, hurt, disappointed, confused, or hopeless, remember Resurrection Sunday. What Jesus did 2000 years ago to the disciples is still happening today. Jesus' resurrection does not only have historical significance, it has spiritual significance. By looking at the resurrection, we can be sure that God will turn our mourning into dancing. He will take off our sadness and clothe us with joy (Psalm 30:11-12). God will keep us safe (Ps 46:1-3) and He is our strength (Exo 15:2). We can be sure God is with us always (Exo 33:14). He is our hope (Ps 71:5). He is our salvation (Ps 119:81). Resurrection Sunday shows that all that promises (and more!) are true. Silent Saturday exists between mourning and joy. It exists between sadness and gladness. It exists between despair and hope. You know what this means? It means there is an end to Silent Saturday! Silent Saturday is only temporary. Silent Saturday only exists in between. It will not last. Friends, if you are in Silent Saturday, let me encourage you to look at Resurrection Sunday where there is abundant of hope, joy, and gladness. And most importantly, Resurrection Sunday lasts for all eternity. Jesus did not raise to be die again. Jesus is alive then, now, and forever. That should give us hope, because Jesus, our source of joy, hope, and salvation, is eternal. I pray that this Easter will give you hope and joy, even when you are still in your Silent Saturday. Because you know Resurrection Sunday has come and Resurrection Sunday lasts forever.

  • Pengalaman Berpuasa Kami

    Kita juga memiliki tanya jawab dengan jemaat kami dari Hills (Beecroft) Ko dede (Ps Nicolas Sofyan) memulai puasa untuk EM Hills dan di bawah ini ia menjelaskan mengapa ia melakukan ini tahun ini 😊 MENGAPA PENTING CEPAT? Puasa Kristen adalah pantang sukarela orang percaya dari makanan untuk tujuan rohani. Jenis puasa lainnya — terlepas dari manfaat yang dapat mereka peroleh bagi pikiran dan tubuh — tidak dapat diklasifikasikan sebagai puasa Kristen, dan puasa oleh orang yang bukan Kristen tidak memperoleh nilai kekal. Yesus berpuasa dan Dia berkata: Matius 6:16 “Dan sekarang tentang puasa. Ketika Anda berpuasa, menolak makanan Anda untuk tujuan spiritual, jangan lakukan itu di depan umum, seperti yang dilakukan oleh orang-orang munafik, yang mencoba terlihat lemah dan berantakan sehingga orang akan merasa kasihan pada mereka. Sungguh, itu adalah satu-satunya hadiah yang akan mereka dapatkan. " Orang Kristen dalam kitab Kisah Para Rasul berpuasa (lihat 9: 9; 13: 2; 14:23), kita dapat menyimpulkan bahwa Yesus masih mengharapkan para pengikut-Nya berpuasa hari ini. Bagi orang percaya dalam Kristus, puasa harus berakar dalam hubungan dengan Kristus dan dipraktikkan dengan keinginan untuk menjadi lebih seperti Kristus. Orang percaya harus berpuasa sesuai dengan ajaran Alkitab dan dengan tujuan yang berpusat pada Tuhan. APAKAH TUJUAN KITA BERPUASA SEBAGAI ORANG KRISTEN? Adalah penting bahwa jemaat tidak hanya melakukan puasa tetapi mereka melakukannya dengan tujuan. Alkitab mengemukakan banyak tujuan puasa, misalnya: 1. Untuk Memperkuat Doa 2. Untuk Mencari Bimbingan Tuhan 3. Untuk Mencari Pembebasan atau Perlindungan 4. Untuk Mengungkapkan Pertobatan dan Pengembalian kepada Allah 5. Merendahkan Diri di hadapan Tuhan 6. Untuk Mengatasi Pencobaan dan Mengabdikan Diri untuk Tuhan 7. Untuk Mengungkapkan Cinta dan Ibadah kepada Tuhan BAGAIMANA CARA KITA BERPUASA? Meskipun ada banyak metode puasa, setelah 9 tahun jemaat kami melakukan puasa, saya berharap mereka dapat memilih tipe mana yang cocok untuk gaya hidup mereka selama mereka memahami tujuan puasa. Di masa lalu, beberapa orang memilih untuk hanya makan siang dan berpuasa. Satu orang yang saya kenal hanya makan satu kali di pagi hari sekitar jam 4 pagi. Sebagian besar jemaat membuka puasa mereka sekitar pukul 16:00 hingga 21:00. Mereka bebas minum air sepanjang hari. Karena mereka telah melakukan ini cukup lama, saya tidak berharap mereka melakukan puasa karena kewajiban (di bawah semangat agama) dengan menekankan pada aturan, tetapi lebih banyak tujuan spiritual yang dicapai melalui puasa mereka: Puasa membawa saya lebih dekat kepada Tuhan ? Apakah itu membuat saya lebih banyak berdoa? Apakah saya menjadi orang yang lebih bisa mengendalikan diri? Apakah saya lebih memahami hati Tuhan ?, dll. Di bawah ini adalah kesaksian teman-teman kita dari Hills sehubungan dengan bulan puasa mereka Kiki Anggoro 1. Bagaimana pengalaman Anda berpuasa tahun ini? Puasa membuat saya mampu untuk lebih bisa mengendalikan diri dan lebih bisa mengerti apa yang Tuhan mau. 2. Apakah ini pertama kalinya Anda melakukannya? (Atau sudah berapa tahun Anda berpartisipasi dalam puasa?) Saya sudah 6 tahun mengikuti puasa. 3. Apa tantangan utama yang Anda alami? Saya harus menantang diri saya untuk bisa berhenti minum kopi selama puasa. Dan ini sangat tidak mudah karena badan saya sudah terbiasa dengan asupan kafein. Jadi ini adalah bagian yang paling berat buat saya. 4. Apakah Tuhan berbicara kepada Anda lebih jelas selama puasa? Ya, karena ini adalah salah satu doa saya selama puasa, untuk bisa lebih peka lagi dalam mendengar suara Tuhan. Chen Lay 1. Bagaimana pengalaman Anda berpuasa tahun ini? Dengan berpuasa saya belajar untuk lebih dekat lagi dengan Tuhan dan belajar menguasai diri dari keinginan keinginan daging. 2. Apakah ini pertama kalinya Anda melakukannya? (Atau sudah berapa tahun Anda berpartisipasi dalam puasa?) saya telah berpartisipasi selama.tujuh tahun 3. Apa tantangan utama yang Anda alami? Waktu kita memasak makanan dalam keaadan lapar tapi tidak bisa menikmatinya pada.saat itu juga tetapi harus menungu sampai waktunya. 4. Apakah Tuhan berbicara kepada Anda lebih jelas selama puasa? Iya. Jessica Lie 1. Bagaimana pengalaman Anda berpuasa tahun ini? Puasa saya secara keseluruhan sangat baik, saya selalu suka melakukan puasa awal tahun bersama dengan gereja karena saya tahu saya memiliki orang-orang yang melakukannya bersama saya. 2. Apakah ini pertama kalinya Anda melakukannya? (Atau sudah berapa tahun Anda berpartisipasi dalam puasa?) Saya benar-benar tidak yakin berapa tahun saya telah berpartisipasi dalam puasa - mungkin sejak saat saya berusia remaja, jadi saya pikir 5+ tahun? 3. Apa tantangan utama yang Anda alami? Saya pikir tantangan utama yang saya alami adalah secara sadar menyadari alasan mengapa saya berpuasa. Senin - Jumat saat bekerja, waktu benar-benar tidak berasa. Sangat mudah bagi saya untuk menjalani satu hari dan lupa untuk berdoa atau lupa untuk mencari kehadiran Tuhan sepanjang hari saya. Tetapi saya tidak ingin melakukan itu karena saya mungkin saja melakukan diet biasa. Jadi saya pikir tantangan terbesar saya adalah tidak membiarkan 'kesibukan' hari-hari saya mengalihkan perhatian saya dari mencari Tuhan lebih banyak, yang merupakan tujuan saya dalam puasa. 4. Apakah Tuhan berbicara kepada Anda lebih jelas selama puasa? Iya nih. Saya pikir ketika kita menjadi sangat intens dalam mencari Tuhan, dan juga gigih menunggu suara-Nya, Dia menghormati itu dan akan berbicara kepada kita jika kita mendengarkan. Bahkan dalam hal-hal kecil sepanjang hari saya, saya menemukan bahwa jika saya berada dalam persekutuan yang konstan dan percakapan dengan Tuhan saya akan merasakan Dia mendorong saya dalam apa yang saya katakan dan lakukan. Dan dengan itu saya berusaha keras untuk tidak menjadi sesuatu yang hanya terbatas pada puasa. Saya mencoba melihat puasa sebagai semacam katalis di mana kebiasaan yang saya bentuk dalam mencari Tuhan mengalir ke dalam kehidupan saya sehari-hari, dan tidak hanya ketika saya berpuasa.

  • Mengapa kita berpuasa?

    Saya rasa semua orang juga suka makan. Saya suka makanan. Menurut saya, ketika seseorang memilih untuk berpuasa, itu bukan keinginan alami. Itu adalah tindakan iman dan tindakan kepatuhan. Saya melakukan puasa secara teratur setiap tahun ketika gereja membuat program puasa tahunan secara teratur. Saya mendapat banyak inspirasi tentang puasa ketika saya membaca sebuah buku berjudul “Fasting” oleh Jentezen Franklin. Buku ini mengubah pandangan saya tentang puasa dan membuat saya merasa senang ketika melakukannya. Berpuasa tidak hanya memberi kita manfaat rohani tetapi ada juga sisi fisiknya. Secara fisik, puasa membersihkan tubuh kita dan membantu tubuh kita menghilangkan racun. Secara rohani, janji-janji Allah (ditulis dalam Matius 6:33) memberi tahu kita bahwa bagi kita masing-masing yang ingin mencari Allah dan Kerajaan-Nya sebagai prioritas mereka, Allah akan mengurus kebutuhan kita juga. Tetapi carilah dahulu Kerajaan Allah dan kebenarannya, maka semuanya itu akan ditambahkan kepadamu. Matius 6:33 TB Jadi ingatlah ketika kita berpuasa, ini bukan hanya tentang tidak makan. Bagian penting dari puasa adalah kita memberikan waktu khusus untuk menghabiskan waktu sendirian bersama Tuhan, fokus pada Firman-Nya, dan menggunakan waktu ekstra untuk lebih banyak berdoa dan lebih banyak beribadah. Karena puasa tanpa menghabiskan waktu bersama Tuhan hanyalah diet 'khusus'. Ketika kita lapar akan lebih banyak dari-Nya, saya percaya Dia akan mengungkapkan sesuatu kepada kita secara pribadi. Jika kita membutuhkan kekuatan, Dia akan memuaskan kita dengan kekuatan-Nya. Jika kita membutuhkan kebijaksanaan, Dia akan mengisi kita dengan kebijaksanaan-Nya seperti Salomon. Dia juga berurusan dengan hati kita. Dia mengubah hati kita, melembutkannya dan membuat kita lebih waspada dan sadar dengan hal-hal rohani karena kita berada dalam posisi fokus. Saya benar-benar berterima kasih kepada semua orang di gereja yang mengambil bagian dalam periode puasa. Saya benar-benar percaya Tuhan adalah hadiah bagi mereka yang rajin mencari-Nya (Ibrani 11: 6). Saya berdoa agar kita semua mengalami keindahan Tuhan dalam setiap kehidupan kita. Dia yang bisa memuaskan kita. Lebih dari pekerjaan, posisi, uang, atau bahkan keluarga kita. Dia adalah orang yang dapat membantu kita ketika masalah, badai, tantangan, lembah-lembah gelap datang ke kehidupan kita. (Bantuan saya datang dari Tuhan, pencipta surga dan bumi - Mazmur 121: 2). Untuk semua orang yang belum pernah melakukan 'puasa', izinkan saya mendorong Anda. Jangan ragu untuk mengambil langkah dalam perjalanan spiritual ini. Anda bisa mulai dengan melewatkan 1 kali makan, Anda dapat memilih antara melewatkan sarapan, makan siang atau makan malam. Jika itu penting bagi Anda, itu juga penting bagi Tuhan. Setiap pengorbanan atau upaya yang Anda lakukan, Tuhan tahu dan Dia akan melakukan sesuatu darinya. Ambil langkah dengan iman dan Dia akan memberi Anda kekuatan. Tuhan memberkati Anda. In His Blessing, Fefe Here Berikut adalah kesaksian saudara saudari kita dari Ecclesia Mission Eastern tentang puasa yang baru saja mereka jalani. Ps. Nino Maulana Apakah ini pertama kalinya Anda melakukan puasa? Ini bukan pertama kalinya saya berpuasa. Puasa tahun ini agak berbeda dari biasanya, karena tahun ini seperti pesan Ps. Yappy tujuan kita berpuasa bukan untuk meminta sesuatu dari Tuhan tapi simply untuk mengenal dan mendekatkan diri lebih lagi kepada Tuhan. We should not see God as being useful, but above of all He is beautiful. So pada puasa kali ini saya banyak melakukan reflection tentang Tuhan, kebaikanNya dalam kehidupan saya & keluarga selama ini, dan tidak menaikkan permohonan khusus secara pribadi. Apa saja yang menjadi challenge untuk Anda dalam menjalani puasa ini? Karena saya suka makan, tantangan terbesar adalah menahan lapar 😊. Seriously, tantangan terbesar bagi saya adalah menjaga focus hati kepada Tuhan. Sebagai karyawan yang bekerja 9-5 setiap hari, tidak selalu mudah untuk berpuasa dengan menjaga fokus kepada Tuhan dalam doa dan pembacaan Firman. Pekerjaan di kantor tentunya menuntut konsentrasi dan perhatian. Tetapi saya mengusahakan untuk sedapat mungkin berdialog dengan Tuhan di sela-sela bekerja di kantor, dan juga waktu senggang di rumah. Apakah Tuhan berbicara dengan lebih jelas kepada Anda secara pribadi selama masa2 puasa ini? Saya percaya Tuhan selalu berbicara khususnya melalui FirmanNya (Alkitab), kapan pun waktunya dan bagaimana pun keadaan kita. Berpuasa membuat kita lebih 'switched on' tapi bukan berarti Tuhan hanya berbicara ketika kita berpuasa. Namun demikian, selama puasa ini ada satu hal yg saya percaya Tuhan taruhkan di dalam hati saya secara pribadi. Saya akan terus uji, gumuli dan doakan lebih lagi. Stefanie Salim/Mei-Mei: Biasanya ketika saya berpuasa (pengalaman dari sebelumnya), biasanya saya merasakan hal yang sangat “tangible” seperti saya mendapat jawaban doa yang saya doakan, saya mendengar suara Tuhan jelas ketika saya berdoa atau membaca Firman. Tetapi tahun ini, pengalaman saya selama puasa ini, saya merasa “He is so silent”. Saya tidak merasakan hal-hal yang biasa saya rasakan ketika saya berpuasa. Saya sampai bertanya-tanya kepada Tuhan mengapa Tuhan kok tidak berbicara jelas lewat doa atau Firman. Tetapi Roh kudus terus mengingatkan saya untuk tetap setia dalam berpuasa. Dan 2 hari lalu saya menangis tersungkur di hadapan Tuhan bertanya, "Tuhan, where are You when I need You the most?” Disana saya baru menyadari, Tuhan sepertinya tidak berbicara karena Dia sedang menunggu saya. Mungkin saya bisa jelaskan maksud saya ini. Kadang kita berpuasa dengan tujuan/motivasi yang berbeda-beda. Tapi sebenarnya berpuasa adalah saat dimana kita menanggalkan semua dan datang sepenuhnya mencari Tuhan bukan karena kita ingin mendapatkan jawaban doa/penghiburan, etc (ini adalah bonus dari puasa). Tuhan sedang mengingatkan kembali focus puasa ini adalah “DIA” yaitu sosok pribadi-Nya. Dan lewat ini saya baru menyadari saya lebih mengenal pribadi-Nya (sisi yang sebelumnya belum saya pernah lihat atau rasakan). Meskipun mungkin Tuhan belum atau mungkin tidak menjawab doa kita, DIA tetap Tuhan. Yang saya pelajari dalam puasa ini, Tuhan mengingatkan saya, bahwa di dalam hal yang “biasa /ordinary things“ – berdoa, membaca Firman – kita sedang menabur benih iman di dalam hidup pribadi kita. Kita sedang equip our self for future battles. Mungkin kita tidak menuainya sekarang, tapi itu akan dituai di masa datang waktu pergumulan menyerang kita. Tuhan pun mengingatkan saya untuk terus sepenuh hati mencari DIA. Challenge yang saya rasakan selama puasa ini yaitu "waktu", karena dengan berkerja full time, sibuk mengurus keluarga, anak dan urusan rumah, terkadang mudah untuk saya mencari-cari alasan tidak punya waktu untuk berdoa. Tapi Roh Kudus mengingatkan untuk menaruh prioritas hidup saya. Mencari Tuhan adalah air hidup untuk kehidupan saya dan keluarga.. Seperti kalau kita tahu betapa berharganya sesuatu barang, kita akan menjaganya dengan baik. Sama seperti hubungan kita bersama dengan Bapa kita di Surga, kita harus menjaganya , yaitu dengan meluangkan waktu untuk DIA. Semoga kesaksian saya memberkati Saudara Angelica Tanzil/Jelly: Setiap ada program puasa di gereja, saya selalu berusaha mengikutinya. Jadi ini bukan pertama kalinya saya ikut berpuasa. Kadang ada banyak cobaan dan halangan, namun saya berusaha untuk tetap ikut menjalani puasa. Namanya masih manusia, keinginan untuk setia tinggi, tetapi badan ini lemah, menahan lapar itu susah, jadi ada banyak kejadian dimana kadang saya batal juga puasanya. Pada saat batal kadang ada perasaan tertuduh, tetapi saya percaya Tuhan melihat kesungguhan hati, jadi saya tidak berkecil hati, atau merasa berdosa karena batal puasa, tetapi lebih semangat untuk memberikan yang lebih baik buat Tuhan di hari besoknya. Puasa tahun ini agak sedikit berbeda, karena tahun ini kami melibatkan anak-anak kami dalam doa bersama sebelum tidur, setiap hari selama bulan puasa ini. Ada doa tertentu yg kami naikkan, dan semakin kami berdoa, kami menjadi lebih yakin lagi untuk menyerahkan permasalahan kami di tangan Tuhan. Semakin berdoa, kami makin menyadari bahwa kami tidak bisa berbuat apa-apa tanpa pertolongan-Nya. Jawaban doa specific nya belum kami lihat, tetapi apapun itu, kami percaya pasti yg terbaik. Untuk dapat bangun setiap pagi dengan tidak kekurangan suatu apapun, itu merupakan jawaban doa kami setiap hari. Jadi bagi kami, Tuhan itu selalu mendengar dan menjawab doa kami setiap hari. Saya ingin memberi semangat kepada Saudara semua, walaupun puasa akan segera berakhir, asal doa kita tidak berakhir, percayalah permasalahan kita Dia akan atasi. He is faithful and His blessings and mercy is new every morning! So I hope you can count your blessings every day!! Tante Giok Lien Pengalaman saya dalam menjalankan puasa di tahun 2019 sangat bergairah, meskipun menahan kesukaan saya yaitu makan. Bagi saya puasa itu sungguh-sungguh me-refresh spiritual saya. Seperti baterai mobil yang karena dipakai terus lama-lama akan habis, lalu dicharge kembali sebelum mati. Demikian juga spiritual kita selama puasa, kita isi lebih banyak daripada hari-hari biasa; sehingga menjadi segar dan bersemangat kembali. Biasanya dengan kesibukan-kesibukan dan masalah-masalah yang ada dalam kehidupan kita membuat diri kita capai, dan akhirnya hanya sedikit waktu untuk Tuhan. Dalam puasa ini saya mengurangi kegiatan-kegiatan sehari-hari dan menggantikan dengan banyak mendengar kotbah-kotbah dan baca Firman Tuhan. Saya sudah mulai berpuasa dari sejak masih muda; Puji Tuhan saya mempunyai mami yang banyak memberi teladan buat saya dalam pengiringan bersama Tuhan. Beberapa challenge selama berpuasa tahun 2019: Kadang buka puasa lebih awal karena selama puasa ada family yang datang dari Indonesia Kesehatan yang tidak mengijinkan hampir saja drop off, tapi Puji Tuhan akhirnya dapat melewati sampai selesai, meskipun di tengah-tengah saya ambil puasa half day. Saya berpendapat yang terpenting di dalam puasa ini bukannya berapa lama kita tidak makan dan minum, tapi berapa lama kita memberikan waktu yang lebih banyak untuk mencari Tuhan (memberi makan spiritual kita). Secara khusus selama puasa ini Tuhan mengajarkan kepada saya untuk lebih konsisten dalam "mencari wajah Tuhan". Jadi tidak hanya pada waktu puasa. Yang diartikan disini jangan hanya berdoa dan membaca Firman Tuhan; tetapi yang terlebih penting menyembah Dia (mencari wajah Tuhan), mengingat kebaikan Tuhan yang sudah diberikan; sehingga iman kita menjadi lebih kuat. - Mazmur 105:4.

  • Our Fasting Experience

    Ps Nicolas Sofyan initiate fasting for EM Hills and below he explains why he does this this year 😊 WHY IS FASTING IMPORTANT? Christian fasting is a believer’s voluntary abstinence from food for spiritual purposes. Other types of fasting—despite the benefits they may produce for the mind and body—could not be classified as Christian fasting, and fasting by a non-Christian obtains no eternal value. Jesus fasted and He said: Matthew 6:16 “And now about fasting. When you fast, declining your food for a spiritual purpose, don’t do it publicly, as the hypocrites do, who try to look wan and disheveled so people will feel sorry for them. Truly, that is the only reward they will ever get.” Christians in the book of Acts fasted (see 9:9; 13:2; 14:23), we may conclude that Jesus still expects His followers to fast today. For believers in Christ, fasting must be rooted in a relationship with Christ and practiced with the desire to become more like Christ. Believers should fast according to biblical teaching and with purposes that are God-centred. SHOULD WE EXPECT ANYTHING WHEN WE FAST? It is important that the congregation not only do the fast but they do it with purpose. Scripture sets forth many purposes for fasting, for example: 1. To Strengthen Prayer 2. To Seek God’s Guidance 3. To Seek Deliverance or Protection 4. To Express Repentance and the Return to God 5. To Humble Oneself Before God 6. To Overcome Temptation and Dedicate Yourself to God 7. To Express Love and Worship to God HOW CAN WE FAST? Although there are many methods of fasting, after 9 years our congregation has been doing fasting, I expect them to be able to choose which type is suitable for their lifestyle as long as they understand the purpose of fasting. In the past, some people choose to only eat lunch and fast the rest. One person I know eats only one meal early in the morning around 4am. Most of the congregation opens their fast around 4pm to 9pm. They are free to drink water all day. As they have been doing this for long enough, I don’t expect them to do fasting out of duty (under religious spirit) with emphasize on rules, but more spiritual purposes that are achieved through their fasting: Is fasting bringing me closer to God? Does it make me pray more? Am I becoming a more self-controlled person? Do I understand more of God’s heart?, etc. Below is the testimonies of our friends from Hills in regard to their fasting month 😊 Kiki Anggoro Fasting makes me able to be more able to control myself and better understand what God wants. I have been fasting for the past 6 years. What’s really hard about fasting is that I have to constantly challenge myself to be able to stop drinking coffee during fasting. And this is not easy because my body is used to caffeine intake. This is the hardest part for me. This year I actually prayed to be able to hear to God more and God is good, he answered one of my prayer during this fasting period, I am more sensitive in hearing God's voice. Chen Lay 1. How is your overall experience? By fasting I learned to get closer to God and learn to master myself from the desires of the flesh. 2. Is this your first time doing it? (Or how many years have you participated in fasting?) I have participated for seven years. 3. What 's the major challenges you experience? When we cook food in a situation and are hungry but cannot enjoy it at that moment but must wait until the time. 4. Does God speak to you more clearly during fasting? Yes. Jessica Lie 1. How is your overall experience? My overall fasting was great, I always like doing the beginning of year fasting together with the church because I know I have people doing it alongside with me. 2. Is this your first time doing it? (Or how many years have you participated in fasting?) I’m honestly not sure how many years I’ve participated in the fasting - probably since when I was around my teen years, so 5+ years I think? 3. What are the major challenges you experience? I think the major challenge I experienced was to actually be consciously aware of the reason why I was fasting. Monday - Friday while at work, time really can fly by in a day. It could be so easy for me to go through a day and forget to pray or forget to seek God’s presence throughout my day. But I didn’t want to do that because I may as well have just been doing any regular diet. So I think my biggest challenge was not letting the ‘busy-ness’ of my days distract me from seeking God more, which was my purpose in fasting. 4. Does God speak to you more clearly during fasting? Yes. I think when we become very intentional in seeking God, and also persistent in waiting on His voice, He honours that and will speak to us if we listen. Even in the little things throughout my day, I find that if I am in constant communion and conversation with God I will sense Him prompting me in what I say and do. And with that I sort of strive for it to be not something just confined to fasting. I try to see fasting as a sort of catalyst where the habits I form in seeking God flow out into my everyday life, and not only when I’m fasting.

  • Why Do We Fast?

    I love food. I think everyone does. So I think when someone choose to fast, it’s not natural desires. It’s an act of faith and act of obedience. I do fasting regularly every year when the church made regular corporate fasting programme. I got inspired a lot about fasting when I read a book called ‘Fasting’ by Jentezen Franklin. This book changed my point of view about fasting and make me feel delighted when doing it. Fasting not only gives us spiritual benefit but there is a physical side to it too. Physically, fasting cleans our body and helping our body eliminate toxins. Spiritually, God’s promises (written in Matthew 6:33) told us that for each of us who wants to seek God and His Kingdom as their priority, God will look after our needs as well. Matthew 6:33 ‘ But seek first his Kingdom and His Righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.’ So bear in mind when we fast, it’s not about just skipping meals. The important part of fasting is that we make special time to spend time alone with God, focus on His word, and use the extra time to pray more and worship more. Because fasting without spending time with God is just a ‘special’ diet. When we are hungry for more of Him, I believe He will reveal something to us personally. If we need strength, He will satisfy us with His strength. If we need wisdom, He will fill us with His wisdom like Salomon. He also deals with our heart. He changes our heart, softens it and makes us more alert and aware with spiritual things because we are in the focus posture. I am really thankful for everyone in the church who is taking part in fasting period. I truly believe God is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him (Hebrew 11:6). I pray that each and everyone of us experience God’s beauty in our every life. He’s the one who can satisfy us. More than our job, position, money, or even our family. He’s the one who can help us when the troubles, storm, challenges, dark valleys come to our life. (My help comes from the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth- Psalm 121:2). For everyone that has never done ‘fasting’ let me encourage you. Don’t hesitate to take a step in this spiritual journey. You can start with skipping 1 meal, you can choose between skip breakfast, lunch or dinner. If it matters to you it matters to God as well. Every sacrifice or effort that you made, God knows and He will do something out of it. Take a step with faith and He will give you strength. God bless you. In His Blessing, Fefe Here The following are the testimonies of our brothers and sisters from Ecclesia Mission Eastern about the fast they have just completed. Ps. Nino Maulana Is this your first time fasting? This is not the first time I fasted. This year's fasting is somewhat different from usual, because this year Ps. Yappy mentioned that our goal for fasting is not to ask for something from God but simply to know and get closer to God. We should not see God as being useful, but above of all He is beautiful. So in this fasting time I did a lot of reflection about God, His kindness in my life & family all this time, and did not raise special requests personally. What are the challenges for you in undergoing this fast? Because I like to eat, the biggest challenge is my hunger😊. Seriously, the biggest challenge for me is to keep the focusing my heart to God. As an employee who works 9-5 every day, it is not always easy to fast by keeping focus on God in prayer and reading the Word of God. Working in the office certainly requires concentration and attention. But I tried my best to have as much dialogue as possible with God between work in the office, and also free time at home. Did God speak more clearly to you personally during this fasting period? I believe God always speaks especially through His Word (the Bible), whenever the time and whatever our circumstances. Fasting makes us more 'switched on' but that does not mean God only speaks when we fast. However, during this fasting there is one thing that I believe God puts in my heart personally. I will continue to test, struggle and pray for this. Stefanie Salim / Mei - Mei Usually when I fast (from prior experience), I feel a very "tangible" thing like I got the answer to the prayer I prayed for or I heard God's voice clearly when I prayed or read the Word. But this year, I feel "He is so silent". I did not feel the things that I used to feel when I fasted. I asked God why God didn't speak clearly through prayer or the Word. But the Holy Spirit continues to remind me to remain faithful in fasting. And 2 days ago I cried down before God asking, "Lord, where are You when I need You the most?" There I just realized, God doesn't seem to speak because He is waiting for me. Maybe I can explain what I mean. Sometimes we fast with different goals / motivations. But actually fasting is a time when we abandon everything and come fully to seek God not because we want to get answers to prayer / comfort, etc (this is a bonus from fasting). God is reminding us of the focus of this fasting is "HE" which is His personal figure. And through this I just realized that I knew His person more (the side I had never seen or felt before). Even though God may or may not answer our prayers, HE is still God. What I learned in this fast, God reminded me, that in things that are "ordinary things" - pray, read the Word - we are sowing the seeds of faith in our personal lives. We are equipping our self for future battles. Maybe we don't reap it now, but it will be harvested in the future when the struggle strikes us. God also reminded me to continue to wholeheartedly seek HIM. The challenge I felt during this fast was "time", because by working full time, busy taking care of family, children and home affairs, it was sometimes easy for me to look for excuses not to have time to pray. But the Holy Spirit reminded me to put my priorities in life. Looking for God is living water for my life and family . As if we know how valuable something is, we will take good care of it. Just like our relationship with our Father in Heaven, we must take care of it, namely by taking time for HIM. May my testimony bless you. Angelica Tanzil / Jelly Every time there is a fasting program in the church, I always try to follow it. So this is not the first time I fast. Sometimes there are many trials and obstacles, but I try my best to keep fasting. I am only human, the desire to be persistent in fasting is high, but this body is weak, holding back hunger is difficult, so there are many instances where sometimes I don’t fast too. When this happens, sometimes I feel accused, but I believe God sees sincerity not only action, so I am not discouraged, or feel guilty because of breaking fast, but I am even more passionate to give better things to God the next day. This year's fasting is a bit different, because starting this year we involve our children in prayer together before going to bed, every day during this fasting month. There are certain prayers that we raise, and the more we pray, we become even more convinced to give up our problems in God's hands. The more we pray, the more we realised that we could do nothing without His help. We haven't seen the answer to the specific prayer, but whatever it is, we believe it must be the best. To be able to wake up every morning with nothing short of anything, it is the answer to our prayers every day. So for us, God always hears and answers our prayers every day. I want to encourage you all, even though fasting will end soon, as long as our prayers do not end, believe our problems He will overcome. He is faithful and His blessings and mercy are new every morning! So I hope you can count your blessings every day !! Giok Lien My experience in fasting in 2019 was very passionate, despite holding back my fondness for eating. For me the fast really refreshed my spirituality. Like a car battery because it is used continuously it will run out for a long time, then charged back before it died. Likewise our spirituality during fasting, we fill more than ordinary days; so that it becomes fresh and excited again. Usually with busyness and problems that exist in our lives make ourselves tired, and finally only a little time for God. In this fasting I reduced my daily activities and replaced them with listening to sermons and reading the Word of God. I have started fasting from a young age; Praise the Lord, I have a mother who has set an example for me in accompaniment with God. Some challenges during fasting in 2019: Sometimes I stopped fasting early because during fasting there are families who come from Indonesia My health was not so good so I was about to stop fasting altogether, but Praise God, at the end I can complete it, even though sometimes I only fasted half-day. I think the most important thing in fasting is not how long we don't eat and drink, but how long we give more time to seek God (feed our spiritual being). During this fast in particular, the Lord taught me to be more consistent in "seeking God's face". So it's not only during fasting. What I mean here is not just to pray and read the Word of God; but it is even more important to worship Him (looking for God's face), given the goodness of God that has been given; so that our faith becomes stronger. - Psalm 105: 4.

  • Happy Valentine’s Day Ecclesians!

    Valentine day's is coming next week. People know February as the month of love. The month when we will do an extra mile to make our loved ones feel special. It’s just another month really, but I think it serves as a good reminder to always intentionally try to do something for your friends and family, to appreciate them because we love them. We never know when our God will call us back so we might as well live everyday like our last. And treat others that way also - live with love and lead with love. The LORD appeared to us in the past, saying: “I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with unfailing kindness." Jeremiah 3:13 Can we try to love the way Jesus has loved us? No questions, no expectations, just LOVE because He loves us first. Be kind, be intentional, be extra thoughtful to see people's needs around you - because we are all part of God's body. :) This week, we have done Q&A to some of our congregation members in Ecclesia. Check it out and you might get an insight about what to get them (or do) for Valentine’s Days. The question is: 1. What makes you feel loved? 2. Who do you think love you the most in the world? How do they show their love to you? Aimee 1. I feel loved when I am eating cookies, when my mum gives me cookies and also when mommy/daddy hugs me. 2. I think MY FAMILY loves me the most in the world. Matthew Hadi 1. When someone cares for me deeply and sacrifices time out of their day to spend quality time with me 2. My mother, because she’s always been there for me. Every day she is concerned of my whereabouts to see if I’m safe and she genuinely cares for my wellbeing, and saying goodnight to her and sharing a hug. Tiffany Here 1. When my parents give me stuff as a reward, I feel so loved. It feels like they are recognising what I have been doing and I feel appreciated. 2. My family and God. Hugs and saying I love You. John Blesstian 1. When I was a child, I felt loved, because my parents gave me gifts. When I was a teenager, I felt loved, because people appreciated my opinions and ideas. But now since I have a family, as the head of the household, I feel loved if my wife and children support, appreciate and respect all the wisdom that I provide for the household. Why? Because when they can support, appreciate and respect my decisions, it means that they have done their part that God wants in their lives. I yearn to not only see them happy but also for them to be successful and a blessing to many people in their environment. I myself, am not perfect but I will try hard to be the best for them. 2. Before raising my own family, my parents loved me the most. After being married for 18 years, I know that my wife loves me the most, even though we often have conflicts due to our difference, but praise the Lord when we humble ourselves and pray with God, we can overcome all problems. I know that marriage does not make us the same, but it does make us ONE and more united as one heart in all the decisions we make. My wife shows her love by playing her role as a wife very well; openly, trustworthy, responsible and respectful of my decisions. When I am weak, she gives me strength. She trusts and respects me as the head of the household. She completes all my shortcomings. Clairine 1. When people close to me remember my birthday, when my husband brings me a real surprise gift for me even though it’s not any of our special day. When my mom cooks for me. When I read Gods words and I am strengthened throughout my difficult moments. When my husband cooks for me and clean the house also. Because it shows that they care for me and remember me in your mind and they consider me important. 2. Jesus of course. Hubby. My parents, my brother, mg church friend etc. jesus died for me and protect me in every simple thing. Giving their time, listens to me. Irene Go 1. When I don’t come to church, everyone notices and asks “are you okay?” and it shows their care for me 2. I think God shows He loves me through the people at church, always excited to see me and always asking me if I need help or how I am and always showing me how much they care Tanwin Tanoto 1. When I'm accepted despite of my weaknesses, mistakes, flaws, and immaturity. Because that's when I feel I'm loved not because of what I can do for that person but I am loved because of they truly love me. 2. My family, especially my lovely wife. Because she knows the worst of me than anyone else but she loves me most compared to other people. How? I think it's because she knows the true love of Christ that God loves us when we were sinners Vania Renata 1. For me, since one of my love language is word of affirmation, I feel most loved when people appreciate me and give positive encouragement to me. Also I feel most loved when I’m able to spend time with the people that I’m close with or my family. 2. I think it’s my family, because they’ve always been there for me through my ups and downs and I believe they will always be the more for me. I can also see their love to me through their support, encouragements, presence and their correction when I’m doing something wrong or advice on some parts that I need to improve. Anonymous 1. I think I’d feel most loved when people give their time to listen to the things I want to share with them, both in times of joy and in times of need, to pray with me and offer words of encouragement instead of condemnation. This is perhaps because God creates men not to live in isolation but in a loving relationship with him and with each other and this is why we experience the feeling of being loved in simple companionship. 2. My parents do. I know they love me no matter what I do or do not do and they always pray for my good. They show me a love that is constant yet imperfect and in a way give me a picture of the perfect, steadfast, faithful and unfailing love of our Heavenly Father. Gabby 1. I feel loved the most when I received something unexpected (or something that I don't think I didn't deserve), whether it's words of appreciation, a random gift that means someone thinks about me, or TIME. 2. Jesus loves me the most. He loves me with all my weakness, He accepts me the way I am with the good and bad. And of course my family - they are trying their best to always be there for me no matter what.

  • Ecclesia mission eastern - teaching series

    Beholding GOD's Beauty Knowing GOD through the Pslams This Sunday we are excited to start the first teaching series of the year. For the next 6 weeks we will learn to know God more and we'll behold the beauty of God through the Psalms.

  • HAPPY NEW YEAR 2019 Ecclesians!

    This is the time for new beginnings and fresh starts – let’s not forget to reflect on what happened in 2018. Learn from our mistakes, treasure all the memories and CHOOSE to be grateful by remembering what God has given in our lives. Let us make PEOPLE our priority – serve ONE ANOTHER. Not only our close friends and families but also others around us who needs our attention, love and care. I am glad to be part of this wonderful church that I call HOME. Our beloved Lead Pastors have written a message for us for the new upcoming year – let’s read through them and put them in all our hearts. God bless you! 😊 Pesan dari Ps Sam & Ruth Djunaedi (Gembala Sidang / Gembala Ecclesia Mission Chatswood) MAKIN MENGENAL ARTI SALIB KRISTUS. Janganlah hendaknya kerajinamu kendor, biarlah rohmu menyala-nyala dan layanilah Tuhan. (Roma12:11) Mungkinkah roh seseorang menyala-nyala dan tidak kendor dalam kerajinanya melayani Tuhan? Pengenalan dan pengalaman pribadi dengan Yesus Kristus dan karya Penebusan dan Penyelamatan di Salib itu sangat menentukan sikap hati orang percaya. Mungkinkah penulis ayat-ayat ini yaitu sang Rasul Paulus memikirkan untuk mundur dari tugas yang dipercayakan oleh Tuhan sesudah mengalami Kristus secara pribadi? Oleh karena itu bagi setiap dari kita di tahun-tahun didepan : Bangunlah Hubungan kasih yang lebih dalam lagi dan sehat dengan BAPAMU danTUHANMU Makin mengenal hatiNYa dan arti dari kematianNYa di atas Salib itu dan kuasa kebangkitanNYA Dengar-dengaran akan pimpinanNya dan lakukan rencanaNya dan panggilan yang mulia dalam hidupmu masing-masing Dari Pengenalan yang benar dan hubungan yang harmonis serta pengalaman yang nyata maka akan memhasilkan Roh yang menyala-nyala utk melayani Tuhan dgn tulus hati Tuhan Menyertai kita semua di tahun 2019 Be grateful always. Pesan dari Ps. Yappy & Fefe Here (Gembala Ecclesia Mission Maroubra) Shalom Ecclesia Mission, Sepenggal lirik lagu membekas di hati saya, berkata, “semusim berlalu, namun Kau s’lalu pliharaku. Kasih dan setiaMu tak pernah lalu di hidupku.” Musim boleh datang silih berganti, namun kasih setia Bapa tidak pernah beranjak dari hidup kita. Biarlah ini juga menjadi pengakuan hati tulus setiap kita kepada Allah Bapa. Tahun 2018 akan kita tinggalkan dan tahun 2019 akan kita sambut dengan suatu keyakinan bahwa tanganNya memegang, tak pernah Dia tinggalkan kita berjalan sendiri. Mari kita, sebagai jemaat milik Yesus Kristus, melangkah maju bersama menjadi seperti apa yang Dia inginkan, menjadi semakin serupa dengan desain Allah bagi kita. Jangan pernah berhenti bertumbuh. Pertumbuhan itu membutuhkan perjalanan seumur hidup, layaknya belajar itu seumur hidup. Artinya, berhenti belajar sama dengan berhenti bertumbuh. Never stop knowing God, loving God, loving others, and growing to our fullest potential. John 10:10 says that Jesus came to give us life and life to the fullest. He’s given His life so we can reach our fullest maturity in Christ Jesus. Saya berdoa tahun 2019 menjadi tahun pelipatgandaan, pemulihan, peningkatan, dan kedewasaan penuh bagi jemaat Ecclesia Mission Maroubra - jemaat yang ada di pikiran Allah. Amen!!! Pesan dari Ps. Nicolas & Ruth Sofyan (Gembala Ecclesia Mission Hills (Beecroft)) Kita baru saja melewati masa-masa Natal 2018, dimana banyak orang disibukkan dengan pesta-pesta dan dibanjiri dengan hadiah-hadiah Natal. Namun seperti ada kutipan yang berkata: Hadiah yang terbaik bukanlah hadiah yang paling mahal. Hadiah yang terindah bukanlah bingkisan-bingkisan yang ada di bawah pohon natal. Hadiah yang terindah adalah Natal itu sendiri, kelahiran Yesus sang juru selamat sebagai bukti kasih Allah kepada umat manusia. Merupakan suatu kebahagiaan kalau kita sebagai satu keluarga Allah yang telah melayani Tuhan dengan setia di tahun 2018. Marilah kita semakin bersatu sebagai keluarga Allah yang mengasihi Tuhan, semakin melayani Tuhan dan sesama serta membawa jiwa-jiwa kepada Kristus. Selamat Natal 2018 dan tahun baru 2019.

  • 4 Ministry Lessons I Learnt from Jonah

    Continuing from my previous post on Isaiah 6, I'll have a look at the Jonah narrative to see what ministry lessons I can learn. 1. God Does Not Choose the Best, So You Can Relax Now It's hard to see a more unqualified person than Jonah at that time. Jonah was stubborn, angry, and didn't have a good heart. Calling Jonah was like calling someone to be a pastor when he hates all of his congregation! Yet God called him, not some other prophets. Sometimes God calls not because of your motivation, but God calls you despite of your motivation. Because God is calling someone to His mission. 2. God is Gracious Enough that He Chases You I'm sure God could have easily picked another prophet when Jonah ran away. I'm sure there are other prophets who genuinely had a heart for the lost people of Nineveh. God could have left Jonah alone, yet He pursued him. God wouldn't let him alone. God called Jonah back into His mission out of mercy. God didn't chase Jonah because He needed him, but God pursued Jonah because He loved him. 3. Unlike Isaiah, God Might Call You into Something Great The biggest contrast of Isaiah's ministry compared to Jonah's was the result. While Isaiah had the heart to serve, he didn't have the best outcome. Here Jonah didn't have the heart to serve but the whole town repented! Sometimes God calls you to something great, but this is only to show that He is God and you are not. I can tell you that Nineveh did not repent because of a grumpy, self-centered, angry, and incompassionate prophet. Nineveh repented because of God. Your success in ministry has nothing to do with you; it's all God. 4. God Cares for the Masses, God Cares for the Individual Although there are millions of people saved, the story starts and ends with Jonah. God did not use Jonah only as a means to His end. God did not merely use Jonah as a tool to accomplish His mission. God made sure that Jonah knows His mercy and grace even though millions of people have repented. God always cares for that one more person. God does not only care about His relationship with your congregation, God also cares about His relationship with you.

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